
Friday, 28 November 2014

Task 9 (Construction) - Reverb Magazine (without post edit)

Alternate Front Cover


  1. I prefer the first front cover as the colour scheme goes well together. i feel like there should be more text on the contents page. And i really like your DPS minus the text on the picture.

  2. I disagree with the first comment, I prefer that the alternate front cover looks more appealing because in the first one theres too much colour going on however on the second one the image is plain black and white so it automatically looks more attractive. I like the whole colour scheme it is unique. I also agree with the first comment there should be more writing and information on your contents page.

  3. I really like the colour scheme, skyline and the master head but where I think you could really do is change the font of the writing like two or three different fonts another thing you could do is have fun with your colour scheme explore different designs remember you are doing a dance magazine so make it look fun. i think you should also change the quality of your pictures play around with colours , i really like the layout of your magazine it is reall neat

  4. firstly, i really like the actual house style of your magazine. Although you only have two colours for your front cover but i think this really works. one thing i could say about your images on both contents page and the front cover is that the quality of some of the images is really poor and makes it look really childish and unprofessional. Also you contents page is quite basic and could have more on it, again the quality of the images are poor. However, your DPS is very good (i really like it), i love the colour scheme and the layout. just be aware of the pull quote on the image as it does not look professional.

    Lenrick Greaves
